Bishonen Knife

A kind of pre-emptive MWOF, perhaps?

Yup. I have to say that the BBC's track record on this kind of reality show is solid. It's too bad the Back In Time For … series has never played here or (to my knowledge) had a US remake.

It's a good choice for the character. It's instantly evocative of someone who found their signature look and stuck to it long after it went out of fashion.

Yeah, I remember it as being one of those films that was heavily hyped but came and went in the blink of an eye. It got great reviews here in Oregon (possibly because it seemed so obvious that the main character was based on Tonya Harding), but yeah … it just sank like a stone.

Are you sure? There was a Prozac joke in there. I'm pretty certain that means it's 1996.

The book ends with the dry academic lecture, and the speaker asking 'Any questions'? Atwood adds in the questions and their answers, which give some further clues about the downfall of the Gileadian empire and Offred's role in the rebellion.

Margaret Atwood even tweaked the ending of the book for the latest audiobook version. It's speculated that this reflects changes that will be made in the series, or even that she's planning a sequel.

I seem to recall a Goatse-era viral video involving transparent pants.

I had a pair of silver PVC jeans in my concertgoing days. They were absolutely brutal in a moshpit. You lost half a gallon of body fluid.

See also: Amy Winehouse.

I was already warned against eating the yellow snow. I'm staying the heck away from the chocolate rain.

Holy crap, a female Fox anchor with blue eyes, a tan, and SHORT blonde hair?

It turns out Chachi really was Korean slang for 'dick' after all!

Oh, fuck off, Chachi.

Is the implication that he's going to start up his own version on a new website?

One of the most horrifyingly wrong things I ever saw was nature documentary footage of two koalas having sex. It was like catching Yogi getting it on with Cindy Bear.

Well, Cindy turned out to be a homophobic hardcore Trump supporter, so she's basically dead to me …

He's still around and regularly goes to an annual film festival I also attend. Very, very strange guy, by most accounts.

I suspect the decline in print media has something to do with it. William Randolph Hearst is supposedly responsible for coining the phrase 'the trial of the century', and said (in relation to the Fatty Arbuckle trial, I think) that he didn't care who was guilty so long as the trial kept selling newspapers.