Bishonen Knife

Flopping Fins on Fonzie?

Winkler definitely tried to reach out to her a few years back. It was widely reported.

You can automatically see how late in the series any episode is by how far Hot Lips' hair has drifted from 50s flip to frosted early 80s shag.

Kenneth Anger's Hollywood Babylon is not worth the paper it's written on. Almost 100% made up.

I had a history teacher who was massively, perhaps irrationally, obsessed with the JFK assassination, to the extent that he'd just kick out parts of the curriculum that bored him and focus on that instead.

I'm surprised the trial of the Rosenbergs didn't come up, either.

Great choice for next week, looking forward to that one.

This is a fair point. It's also been made about the famous footage of Dubya reading the kids a story book after being informed about 9/11. Wouldn't anyone's natural response be absolute pants-shittingly numb horror and fear? Especially if your job was to clean the whole mess up?

A swollen, purple kidney. He's the living result of too much McDonalds.

Probably an unpopular view, but Jon Stewart was beginning to get that way towards the end of his run. The only thing worse than his smirking self-satisfaction was his faux humility. And I say that as a dyed-in-the-wool, lifelong liberal.

And "Here's what my legs look like in a resort you can't afford to visit!"

I'll just save myself the time and imagine fifty pictures of peoples' babies and pet dogs, interspersed with political ramblings and listicles. Done!

"Forgive me if this sounds combative, but have you actually listened to these albums? Or are you making judgment calls based solely on those singles?"

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought "Seriously - is she cosplaying Qui-Gon Jinn?"

I read the original script for The Truman Show some time before the movie was made. It's intriguing reading for anyone who wants to see how a spectacular script can be whittled away into a merely-pretty-good movie. The original was much grittier and more nuanced. Nicholas Cage might have made a good Truman.

On the other hand, they claimed the Titanic was unsinkable. The biggest tragedies tend to be born of hubris.

Her ice-cold persona fills a Nietzche, but that's the best I can say about her.

Some genius actually tabulated all the sniffs in the entire series up to Book 10.

I've heard that things pick up a bit around book 11, when Brandon Sanderson took over and wrote the rest from Jordan's notes, but newp - couldn't make it that far.