Bishonen Knife

There are whole books in which literally nothing happens, and anything that does refers to some minor situation or character five books ago that you forgot the moment you read it.

Well, he is one of the most outspoken celebrity Republicans, so in this case, yes.

Extra points if the sleeves of the blazer are rolled up to mid-forearm length.

He sounds like every Republican I've ever known.

For a moment there, I thought there was a Silicon Valley venture capitalist named Alphabet Google. And I was not surprised.

Portland, Oregon. So I'm living in a completely different quirky TV program now.

Work. Plus the romantic notion of living in New York.

I'd rather eat glitter glue out of a teenage girl's pencil case.

She has made attempts to write a memoir. A friend of mine who used to work for the Academy helped her do the research. I'm wondering if she plans to release it posthumously.

A broken clock's right twice a day!

I ditched Comcast and got Sling the minute they picked up TCM. Best decision ever.

A lot of the classic stuff got funnelled off to the new TCM/Criterion Films streaming service, FilmStruck. It's a shame, because it means you already have to have an interest. The average person isn't going to stumble on them.

I am honestly not sure. One of them I literally never saw. If he was dead, she probably would have tried to sell his body at that garage sale …

When I was a kid, my grandparents had a button on their dash marked 'Hazard', to turn on the hazard lights.

When I lived in New York, I lived in the basement of a crazy old Greek lady who at one point had three other boarders stashed around her house, not including three generations of her extended family. She wouldn't let me use the washer and dryer despite them being IN the basement. The hallways were full of bulk

Well, you must have got some of the good ones. They used to nest near the lake at my college, and if one of those f**kers wanted your sandwich, they didn't take no for an answer.

And skinned Ron Jeremy.

Well, they toured my city last year and I saw their tour bus parked across the road from my local supermarket, so … I guess we shop at the same place?

This is why Scientology is so diabolically brilliant: make your followers consider psychiatry evil and doubting your sanity the ultimate taboo, and they are actually barred from considering anything rationally.

That's actually what made me slightly worried just before the election. As a friend said, "Trump will be gone, but his supporters will remain." These were people who were saying "If Trump loses, it'll be an obvious plot by Killary, and we'll arm ourselves and take the country by force." Given Pizzagate, I don't doubt