Bishonen Knife

It's creepy to see one in the wild, isn't it? Like spotting an animal that broke out of the zoo.

I'm all for shame. Our society doesn't have enough of it. Or to put it another way, people channel it into unworthy subjects like "I'm not getting enough Likes on this Facebook picture of a cheesecake" instead of "I'm raising my children to become horrible people".

Clear false flag operation. They're actually beavers, not turtles.

They must have mixed him up with Buford 'Mad Dog' Buckson, Tuck's ancestor from the old West.

They not only have no fear of humans, they clearly hate us with the fire of a thousand suns.

Don't f**k with any goose. Geese are evil. Their malice is exceeded only by that of mallard ducks with young nearby.

A couple of months after that article, I happened to visit Adelaide and did a self-guided tour of all the locations relating to the Taman Shud case. Really interesting stuff.

The unsolved murder of the early Hollywood director William Desmond Taylor is a great one. Start with the book A Cast of Killers and then take a look at http://www.taylorology.com/ if it whets your appetite.

Regardless of whether they were given out or sold, it's a bad look. Just imagine how Obama would have been crucified for distributing 'Yes We Can' hats.

It wouldn't be the first time the apple's fallen far from the executive tree. See also Ronald Reagan Jr.

For example, nobody anywhere has ever been tempted to throw their panties at Alex Jones.

Whereas apparently there is nothing between Seattle and Los Angeles like, y'know, Portland or anything … :\

Same thing happened to me. Plus a bunch of my friends in Australia are cocky about the fact that the band suddenly played a surprise secret show in a tiny club AND THEY ALL GOT TO GO.

It's a toss-up between a. and d. At least there was the possibility of interest in e., even though it never really paid off.

Drop everything and find yourself a Joan Blondell pre-Code STAT. She's awesome.

I gave up playing online games. I wish I could say it made me more productive. Instead, I just posted on AV Club a whole lot more.

For some reason I thought the Toynbee tiles were inspired by Phillip Toynbee, Arnold Toynbee's son who, if you want another wormhole to go through, was the best friend of the future husband of Jessica Mitford of the famous (or notorious) Mitford sisters.

Thanks! I tried the Google search myself, but there was such an avalanche of Cosby articles on AVC over the past few years that I couldn't easily find it.

It probably explains why a lot of his fans were in flat-out denial for so long. The same was true of Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris in the UK.

I saw them in Portland last week, and they played something off every single album (yes, even Pablo Honey). It was a lot more rocking and a lot less sombre than I was expecting, given that Moon Shaped Pool isn't what you'd call a feelgood album.