Bishonen Knife

I would add Encino Man and practically any other Pauly Shore movie from that era. They always seemed to be the standard go-to for parties. Unsurprisingly, they've aged appallingly.

Definitely. Especially as its production period spanned the time between Seattle music being obscure and it suddenly being the biggest thing in the world, to the extent that Crowe was accused of capitalizing on it when the movie eventually came out.

I won preview tickets to see that before it came out. I felt like one of the few people who was actually looking forward to it, because I'd read Cameron Crowe's set diary in Rolling Stone, and it was probably one of the first long-form articles I'd ever read about the making of a movie.

Great soundtrack, though. I'm still torn on whether I prefer the NIN version of Dead Souls to the original.

Without it, the pale kids at school would have had no go-to Halloween outfit from 1994 to 1999 inclusive.

But ugh, that stupid, stupid storyline where Liv Tyler turns out to be a speed addict. I almost ragequit the movie at that point.

I recently began re-watching X-Files, and it struck me how much all that UFO conspiracy stuff has fallen out of fashion. It used to be so huge.

Truly, it was a golden era for film soundtracks. I discovered so many obscure little bands from them.

Seems like it was a movie that nearly everyone caught on video some time after it came out. I don't think it stayed in cinemas for very long.

And directed that way, too. "Hey everybody! Just jump around to the music for ten minutes! The audience will totally enjoy it as much as you do!"

That's kind of why I enjoyed it at the time, though. The cult of the 60s was so strong that it was nice that someone was attempting to define our decade for once, rather than just telling us yet again how damn wonderful the sixties were.

Or the porn parody, Slamma Jamma Ding Dong.

Can I just reiterate that I thought Empire Records was a terrible movie then, and I think it's a terrible movie now.

Person in Lotus Position: "I wears yoga pants to Starbucks and still thinks paleo is a thing! I take GOOP seriously! I'm totally insufferable!"

He does have a point. Rotten Tomatoes looks at things in a very black-and-white way that assumes a critic either entirely loathed or loved a film, which is rarely the case. Reading the reviews RT classifies as 'positive' and 'negative', it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between them.

More Comic Sans.

Maybe you didn't add enough anarchists?

In addition to all of the above (and bravo, I hope never to read this book but I certainly enjoyed reading about it), that cover is awful. Like, vanity-publishing-your-erotic-fanfic, messed-around-with-Photoshop-for-half-an-hour, book-that-turns-out-to-be-cut-and-pasted-from-Wikipedia awful.

Heh, I was literally about to say the same thing. "I have great compassion for others and possess a huge social conscience." It's like a terrible, terrible application essay for the College of Being A Decent Human Being.

I don't know whether they've goosed it by giving extra weight to their original content or it's just broken, but the Netflix recommendation algorithm is not great.