Bishonen Knife

And the unforgettable The Nose Tattoo.

It's up to the ages to play with his ding-a-ling now.

The sequel is Three Loins In A Fountain.

It was right here on the AVC that someone (I forget who) made the ultimate proclamation on Wheel of Fortune vs Jeopardy: "Jeopardy is what you watch to feel inferior to people who are smarter than you. Wheel of Fortune is what you watch to feel superior to people who are dumber than you."

What's the bet this all turns out to be some lame James Franco artpiece?

You need to be blonde and female, or male and look like a condom that was left out in the sun.

"Loved Catcher in the Rye. #BaseballFTW #Glutenfree"

John, I'm Only Danzig

It's eerie, the way they seem to follow you round the room …

The twist is that Teddy Bear is a big hairy gay man.

He's very big on the Young Conservative/Young Republican convention trail. I once read an article by a journalist who sneaked in to hear him speak, and his message was basically "The main reason we're better than Democrats is that we know how not to get caught." Which is pretty ironic.

Beavis: "According to ComingSoon.net …"
Butthead: "Huh. Heheh. Yeah."
Beavis: "That's what she said."
Butthead: "Heheh."

Next thing he'll be telling us that all the characters in Space Jam were nothing but two dimensional drawings.


If you can get your hands on it, she plays a similar kind of role in Daughter of Shanghai (1937) - a kickass Chinese gal who moonlights as a dancer in the South Seas to bust the people smuggling gang that killed her father.

Right. The comparison I heard about these early videos is that each one cost around the same as a small car, so it wasn't like "Hey, I couldn't be bothered to buy another tape right now, guess I'll just tape over this."

It's slightly less shit than all the other Australian newspapers. But only slightly.

Poor kitty. Animal epilepsy is pretty common, unfortunately.

"Bannon, have the Rolling Stones killed."