Bishonen Knife

I do a lot of long-haul travel, and the newer planes are noticeably quieter. It used to be that I wouldn't get a wink of sleep without ear plugs, but I don't need them any more.

The same reason they do almost everything - to distract.

The Guardian has a pretty good summary:

I'm hoping she's playing the long game here.

If you have a Roku, you can install NBC as a channel for free. That's how I'm watching it.

I'm not saying it doesn't matter. I'm just saying it matters a lot less than a whole bunch of other things. The more we're distracted by the minutiae, the more they're able to get away with elsewhere.

Chance the Rapper May Actually Sell His Next Album, Certainty the President Will Tweet Something Dumb Today

So, on the same day the Congressional Budget Office announces that at least 24 million people will be worse off under Trumpcare, we're quibbling about some dumb spelling mistake?

It's the one book I've ever read where I finished it, and then flicked back to the start and began reading it again immediately.

Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Abercrombie & Fitch.

This is fortunate, because I only listen to bands that are endorsed by outerwear companies.

Every time I hear a news story about how hot it is in Chicago right now, I'm like "Head over to the PNW, but bring a canoe because the RAIN HAS NOT STOPPED SINCE FUCKING DECEMBER."

But boy, could he steer a boat.

Life's so much easier nowadays if you just pretend it's a Philip K. Dick novel you can put down at any time.

As long as we get to refer to this pairing as either AnderSange or Asserson.

There's the law of editorial discretion, though. I've read too many middlebrow film biographies in which every role is thoroughly dissected and analyzed in loving detail without adding much to our understanding of the subject.

I find him very artificial. I'd watch the 1925 Ben-Hur over the Heston version any time.

And also Ronald Reagan, who went from being president of the Screen Actors' Guild, which was sufficiently left wing to be named in the HUAC trials, to becoming … well, Ronald Reagan.

TV Tropes used to refer to this as 'Agatha Christie Time,' being that your average Agatha Christie TV adaptation is set in some weird ahistorical period that could be anywhere from WWI to the Atomic Age.

Reverend Bob was the best thing about the show.