Bishonen Knife

To me, The First was the ultimate example of Big Bad Fatigue that Buffy suffered in its later seasons. Every Big Bad had to be bigger and badder than the last, the paradox being that the more they were hyped as unbeatable, the more underwhelming it seemed when they finally were conquered.

Kraftwerk are gonna be screwed.

Well, if it's 'more streamlined and convenient', I guess I didn't need my privacy after all.

Good point. The opposite was true of Buffy when it changed over to UPN. During the end of the CW era, I felt Buffy was showing its age, whereas Angel was just hitting its stride. Every time there was a crossover episode, some of that new energy seemed to help invigorate Buffy a bit.

E-Street all the way, at least until the deeply shitty 'Mr Bad' season and the even worse gangster storyline that followed. I don't think it lasted much longer after that.

On the other hand, I wonder if kids' ability to see something that's plain weird has been restricted by the fact that they can dial up whatever they want to watch, whenever they want?

This is a pure stab in the dark, but he did say a few things in the thread about the new commenting system that could have been interpreted as inflammatory, or just sarcastic. I took the latter interpretation. Maybe the page mods didn't.

Green Acres is a legit surreal classic.

It's definitely the televisual equivalent of comfort food. No hard thinking, no grey morality.

I'm going to say Death in Paradise, because my real choice is just the worst. I watch it like I eat KFC - secretly, and kind of hating myself for enjoying it.

His self-aggrandizing bullshit got on my nerves very early on, and my willingness to say so baffled a lot of my friends. I'm not glad to be vindicated. I'd rather he just fucked off, TBH.

Me too. It's like Obama's back in power and all is right in the world.

All GJI, all the time!

It's thrashing my CPU, too.

But then you can't see the article you're commenting on.

Given that veiled State of the Website address hidden in the article about Jimmy Fallon - which seemed to be saying "Well, if you prefer in-depth analysis of pop culture to food, great Amazon deals and GJI, maybe this is no longer the site for you" - the timing is pretty terrible.

Clicking on 'One New Comment Below' takes you to a completely different article. Why? WHY???

Try typing 'Spot.IM' and it might work.

And it seems like it's only Newswires that are being done like this for the moment. So the 30 or so people who comment on GJIs can rest easy.

Commenters are literally being shoved off to the side.