Bishonen Knife

Mediocre white man wins for mediocre white movie. Pictures at eleven.

Wow, these are mean tweets? Some of them are scarily accurate.

Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality …

I suspect a split vote, courtesy of the La La Land backlash.

Plus, that 'Our presenters are super stupid' bit always fails hard.

Geez, did Samsung fund the whole thing this year or what?

These barbers on bikes, ballerinas, 1940s singers and Tron people are totally making me want to shop at Walmart.

I wouldn't be surprised if the late-breaking La La Land backlash led to a split in the vote that sent things Hacksaw Ridge's way.

You'd think they'd have done the BTTF bit in 2015 …

Yeah, I'm wondering about that myself.

Soooo much filler. Aren't they already going to need to set aside an hour for In Memoriam?

I often mix him up with Jimmy Fallon, because they're both bland white men who host forgettable talk shows.


That was 1) The worst; 2) So obviously a Samsung shill.

That would have been less awkward.

Just watch them spritzing themselves with Febreeze once all the normals leave.

I wish I could upvote this twice.

Gee, that guy who walked in with his phone already filming totally didn't know what was about to happen.

I found this last year too. Jimmy Kimmel is like the PewDiePie of Oscar hosts. He's supposed to be there to add something, but I'm damned if I know what it is or why it appeals to people.

They rounded them up and deported them.