Bishonen Knife

I'm probably the only one rooting for Hail, Caesar here, but there you go. I loved it.

I hate to say it, but if films are winning because of their messages rather than their objective quality, it's playing right into Trump's hands.

Blergh. Zootopia.

It Stingks!

"Foreigners coming across our borders, taking our great Oscars. Sad!"

Haha, sick burn GE. "What if everyone cared about actual scientists making a real difference rather than a bunch of vain celebrities?"

Fuck your 'short films', Walmart. They're advertisements.

Love is … a corporate shill for Revlon.

The original performers did put out an album as the 'Real Milli Vanilli', but it turns out the real people weren't as aesthetically pleasing as two buff black guys in bike shorts.

But she made a judgement on the entire album. She said 'This album, which I did not listen to in its entirety, turned me off this band.'

But that's exactly my point. If she only heard the singles, she didn't hear the whole album that she made a judgement on. It's like saying you hated a movie when you only saw the trailer.

Come to think of it, that last show I mentioned may have been the NYC Ghosts and Flowers tour. Yeah, it was pretty unbearable. What was worse was the whole room of people acting as if it were somehow profound.

Yeah, even REM later admitted that Ignoreland was out of place. I still like it nonetheless.

To this day, I'm still not sure whether I liked Sonic Youth or I liked the idea of Sonic Youth, and I think the answer lies in the three different shows I saw them play, in '93, '95 and whenever A Thousand Leaves came out ('99, perhaps?)

Worse, she says 'I don't like this album' and then goes on to admit that she never even bought it. If anything, the album tracks are greater than the singles. To dismiss out of hand an album that contains a masterpiece like 'Nightswimming' …

Well, if they were planning to leave halfway through, presumably not.

No, they tended to be people on dates, and in every case the guy thought the movie was OK but the girl hated it.

A number of my friends, independently of one another, absolutely loathed it. Like, almost-walked-out-in-the-middle loathed it.

Is La La Land really a 'box office smash', though? It's made about $340m worldwide so far. Suicide Squad made that much on the domestic market alone.