Bishonen Knife

Fun fact: Viagra was originally developed as heart medication. It was only once guys started getting a particular side effect that they explored other uses.

Fun fact: Neil Young and Devo were/are fans of one another. Mark Mothersbaugh inspired the title of Rust Never Sleeps.

My autocorrect was the one that turned it into 'Tinklefairy' (I've since corrected it).

I hope you're out of that place now, buddy. Happy thoughts.

'Papaya' is kind of nice, but 'Tinklefanny' is the worst thing I ever heard in my life.

A scary number of Democrats seem to want to be dominated by kinky Republicans, if the Craigslist advertisements during the GOP convention are to be believed.

"A 29-year-old woman is the unwitting sounding board for her mother’s complaints about her sex life."

Ah, just when I think I've heard of every fetish … no pun intended …

Now do Castle of Terror, which, notoriously, did not have an ending

The only thing I ever remember about Crackle is that it was the home of David Spade's time-travelling sequel to Joe Dirt. Enough said.

I read that as 'We're Live Discussing A Series of Unfortunate Events with Brian Eno'. I was confused.


I've read my niece the Little Golden Book about Tiana approximately ten thousand times without actually seeing the movie.

In other news, this Kickstarter to produce a plush 'This is Fine' dog earned enough to buy somebody a house.

I'd say it's the Buzzfeedification of journalism, but that would risk calling Buzzfeed journalism.

Pretty sure Newswire has run this before.

They were born to run.

Yep, that one was definitely a keeper.

He's worth following on Facebook. He doesn't post much, but when he does, it's so thoughtful and insightful that you do wish he'd write more often.