Bishonen Knife

Pretty much everywhere that isn't Portland is the meth capital of Oregon.

The AV Club
A little hazy, maybe even delusional

Forest Grove, Oregon Police Log - A Continuing Series

Do the World Islands at Dubai count, given that they don't serve any particular purpose besides giving rich people a cool address?

If they spun off a series that was just about Kyle Maclachlan's mayor character, I would totally watch it.

Yeah, I must admit that living in Portland is sometimes uncannily like being an episode of Portlandia.

I think my mother put it best: "I really like Portlandia. Except the guy in it. And I'm not crazy about the girl, either."

Plus, there's 'being handsy', and 'allegedly raping teenage employees'.

It seems like most of his recent work has been for Kardashians. It figures that I hadn't heard about it. My Kardashian filter is cranked super high.

With shame in my heart, I must admit that I've bought some OK things at Hot Topic.

The fall of Dov Charney and Terry Richardson give me faith that there still is good in our quasi-apocalyptic future after all.

Vintage Hustlers?

My partner and I used to eagerly await our local weekly free newspaper to see exactly how skeezy that week's back-page American Apparel advertisement was.

Apropos of nothing, what could remind me more of the mid 90s than those glow-in-the-dark 'Take Me To Your Dealer' posters of glowing aliens smoking fat doobies?

I love some of the individual Go-Betweens tracks - 'Streets of Your Town' is one of my favourite songs ever - but they also have some pretty unremarkable album tracks, IMHO. Midnight Oil are/were better all-rounders.

Man, I would have loved to be at that concert … amazing stuff.

The greatest Australian rock band, bar none. Every track on 10, 9, 8 … is a winner.

I saw TFA in a cinema and was so bored that I almost left before the end. I saw Rogue One in a cinema and came out completely underwhelmed. As someone who watched all three original films about 500 times as a kid, I'm ready to give the next one a miss.

Dear Mr. President, there are too many Oceans nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot.