Bishonen Knife

And you know 'hot take' means 'a rash, highly-personal and unscientific opinion that tends to oppose the mainstream view'?

♫ They don't care cause they stay paid anyway
They treat you like an ace they can't be betrayed ♫

For sure. But I'd rather do that by watching any one of the movies La La Land took inspiration from rather than via a pale imitation.

Hot take: La La Land really isn't that great. It reminds me of people who love Michael Bublé because he 'sounds just like Frank Sinatra', but wouldn't dream of buying a Frank Sinatra album. Or all those people who flooded to see 'Jersey Boys' in Vegas while the actual Frankie Valli was just down the street, playing to

And also Amazon.

The Forest Grove Police Log hasn't been posted yet, so instead I'll share the current weather warning:

From what I remember, it was supposed to be two movies, instead of a Joker movie with a Harvey Dent subplot in the final third. It would have been far better had they stuck to the original idea.

Watching Christopher Walken dance through a Fatboy Slim video was strangely delightful. Nicholas Cage dancing through a Fatboy Slim video would have been vaguely creepy and weird in a not-good way. Perhaps that's your answer right there. Walken has mastered being weird in a good way.

In support of his theory: who the heck calls a superhero movie 'Logan'?

Wow, even I got that one mixed up.

Or you could, y'know, get them from your local library.

"' ICE to see you.' Yep, that will absolutely be the next 'I'LL BE BAAHCK.'"
- No one ever

For me, one thing that always brings down a Batman film is a villain overload. I prefer it when they focus on Batman's relationship with one villain rather than the 'two villains go into cahoots' model. It was definitely true of Batman and Robin - not that it didn't have other problems - but I also think The Dark

Three words: unresolved sexual tension.

Highlights of the Forest Grove, Oregon Police Blotter - A Continuing Series

Add in Little Richard. Only 84, but he's been in poor health recently. Taking the life of a queer black rock legend in the final hours of 31 December would be totally in character for 2016.

That chapter of Postcards From The Edge - the third one, I think - where Alex starts the chapter as a pious abstinent former addict and ends it having ODed - is not only a brilliant piece of writing, but the most accurate portrayal of falling off the wagon that I've ever read. Just great stuff. I hope that all of her

Supposedly Liz and Debbie ended up bonding over how much of an asshole Eddie Fisher turned out to be to both of them.

In just under three days' time, you'll be dead yourself, 2016. Just think about that for a moment.