Bishonen Knife

Also, pretty much everything we know so far is hearsay at this point. It's impossible to know whether things are better or worse than expected. Obviously, I'm hoping for better.

And whenever a troll does stray into the dungeon, people here do a pretty good job of putting them in their place.

Chicago Tribune is the source on Todd Fisher's quote. Thank God, a credible source.

Yeah. Apparently Shirley put the whole family through therapy just so Lori would't have to get clean alone, which is pretty amazing.

Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa to everybody. :(

If this year has shown us one thing, it's that Mark Hamill is about as awesome as a person can get without being an actual Jedi.

Awful news made worse by awful people … seems like that's the new normal. I hate it.

Plus, Lori was arrested for heroin possession at my local airport! Not-so-fun fact.

Or Cindy Brady.

So, they've published the official list so far (and the Beach Boys aren't on it).

"Under no circumstances collaborate or listen" is Trump's unofficial slogan.

Which makes the 'You don't know what I got …' line that comes next a little worrying.

Fun fact: Shirley Temple, who was the Chief of Protocol at the time, planned Jimmy Carter's inauguration.

Never has my childhood belief that the lyrics went "He's my little deuce poop" been more appropriate.

"I trumped in my pants!"

Foot fetishism. I don't get it. I've never gotten it. To me, if feet aren't the grossest part of the body, they're definitely in the top five. Smelly, germy, deformed-looking. The mouldy bread crust of the human body. The idea of anyone putting a toe anywhere near my mouth makes me feel sick in the stomach.

The more I ponder this one, the more I think that:
a) AIC seems to have dealt with things in a more level-headed way than Dan is giving her credit for, give or take a bit of light cyberstalking, but
b) We only get her side of the story, which no doubt flatters her point of view, and also
c) This relationship is so

Damn perspective.

If this year has taught us anything, it's that there are whole fathoms of awfulness below rock bottom.

There'll also be a sissy cedilla who speaks with a lisp.