Bishonen Knife

This, I would actually watch.

(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻2016┻

I know it might sound strange, but I believe he'll be coming back before too long.

I initially read the headline as '2016 ways 2016 let us down', and it seemed about right.

Is this why the French think he's a genius?

If this had been a Charlie Kaufman movie, it could have been awesome.

It wasn't the ending as such - it was the execution. It could have been a fine and acceptable ending if it had been done properly. Instead, they used that ridiculous real-time gimmick and we ended up with whole episodes of dumb stuff like Robin bickering with Barney's mother rather than, y'know, MEETING THE MOTHER.

Ugh, you made me click on something that non-ironically features swastikas. Don't do that, AV Club.

Surely you mean Стивен Сигал?

In news that hasn't come out on Newswire yet, John Glenn has passed away.

It could be that Cabaret will be very relevant around this time next year.

Would That it 'Twere So Simple

They actually managed a better ending than I was expecting. I think we'll probably look back on this season with keen interest, if not with fondness.

Alfred Jarry's 'Ubu Roi'.

Well, I thought this was delightful. No mention of the faux-retro advertisements? I wish TV were like this all the time.

I always saw it this way: The West Wing showed us the mundane, human side of extraordinary events. Studio 60 did the opposite, trying to make the production of a sketch comedy show seem as important and suspenseful as running the free world. Sorry, but in terms of stakes, 'deciding whether to bomb another country'

SPOILER ALERT: It turns out they were all terrible, self-obsessed people all along.

It is fascinating - no masterpiece, sure, but an amazing time capsule, and the closest thing any of us will ever get to sitting in the front row of a 1929 floor show. The restoration itself is also top notch. If you've seen the film on one of the old washed-out video versions, there's no comparison.

Blue Velvet was locked away for about a decade due to the collapse of De Laurentis Entertainment, which could account for the prints being in better shape.

Nothing says edgy like tattoos that resemble the doodles on a teenage goth's Trapper Keeper.