Bishonen Knife

It played in San Francisco about five years ago, and everyone I know who saw it said it was the greatest cinematic experience they'd ever had.

Seriously, no silents? Nothing about the monumental restoration of The King of Jazz? Nothing about Kevin Brownlow's restoration of Abel Gance's Napoleon?

Plus, distracting everyone with minutiae buys him the time to go off and appoint Genghis Khan as his Secretary of Defense and whatnot.

Trump's Twitters are becoming a parody of themselves. Sad!

They played it pre and post show. I've still got 'Santa Claus is a Black Man' stuck in my head.

He's been doing a one-man Christmas show every year for five or so years now. It's a whole lot of fun.

Even when they don't get their comeuppance, it's comforting to laugh at people being jackasses rather than have to contemplate them running the country.

Tonight I saw John Waters do his Christmas show before a sold-out crowd in a former porno theatre. I'm pretty sure he needs to be our next president.

In a city of great museums, the Cooper-Hewitt Museum in New York stands out as one of my favourites.

I'm really digging his steampunk glasses, too. They must have been a signature of his, as they're even featured in the cartoon of him.

Truly, it is a neckbeard for the ages.

There's an ickiness to pretty much any Bertolucci film with a young woman in it. I remember feeling gross and dirty after watching Stealing Beauty, for example. It's basically a wank bank for older men.

On the other hand, there were reports of Trump opponents unexpectedly getting super horny on election night, which was attributed to a flight, fight or f**k instinct - a kind of primal "Shit, the world is ending! Perpetuate the human race! Perpetuate the human race !!!"

Trump Singles are like Kraft Singles - full of stuff you'd rather not know about, and a suspicious shade of orange.

I'm so glad the Oregonian have brought back the Forest Grove Police Blotter. They really live the thug life down there.

"The movie is no longer color-graded in a sewage-runoff palette of watery fecal browns."

It ends up being entirely appropriate to the theme of the film, too.

Plus, that final shot of Hughes disappearing behind the curtain felt very much like Beatty orchestrating his own final film appearance.

OK, I saw it, and I actually liked it a whole lot. It's quirky as heck, and somewhat old fashioned, but in a charming way. Perhaps I watch enough old films for the pace not to bother me. And Beatty's performance was fascinating - I suspect it's much closer to the real Hughes than di Caprio's tics-and-shrugs version in

Perhaps there are multiple interpretations of the term? Since the election, I've heard it from a number of friends from the sorts of groups Trump is targeting, to distinguish meaningful action from empty or patronizing gestures - in the sense of "It's great that people want to help - but please don't just march in