Bishonen Knife

A light was waiting to carry him home.

Ugh. She is like narcissism in a human form. I'm surprised Kanye's never tried to smoke her.

I'm not surprised that PC Principal has faded out of the storyline. Everything he was designed to satirize seems bizarrely quaint now.

Someone upthread suggested the Danish Prime Minister is JJ Abrams, planning to reboot America. I'd say that's a pretty solid guess.

It's been interesting, in a horrifying way, to see comedy trying to react to Trump. Just imagine if Stephen Colbert was still playing his 'Stephen Colbert' character. Where the heck would he even go with that?

One of the reasons this season is so unfocused is because real life is pretty unfocused right now.

Me too. I never figured out I was just supposed to be posting funny GIFs all that time.

It's Nixon being responsible for the EPA that I can't get over.

There is only Zool.

My quibbles with The Imitation Game were at a broader level. I don't begrudge them doing things like compressing timelines to make things more dramatic.


That the older brother did it.

I tried to set up a good old fashioned website about my classic film interests on Tumblr - reviews, long and thoughtful essays, rare items from my collection, bits of research that I've done.

They've got the Buffy disease. When every season arc is 'Everyone Vs the Big Bad', the bad needs to get bigger and badder each season, until they're so big and bad that they lack any character definition except their bigness and badness.

Showtime Shanghais Sex Scholar Skein

If you didn't, you were pretty much the only one.

Early and often. Sometimes even with his wife.

The Republic of Cascadia, please. If California leaves, the blue parts of Washington and Oregon are coming with them.

On the plus side, there are probably a whole bunch of people in an alternate timeline going "Geez, I wish we got the one where Nixon was impeached rather than declaring himself Supreme Emperor of the Universe for life."