Bishonen Knife

He's been dead for over six years. It's all playing on repeat on the Big Spotify in the Sky.

Has some kind of sicko taken over Great Job, Internet? Over the past few days, we've had dismembered Furbies, Tumblrs about human remains, and explosion of game corspes.

Some countries have already banned sex robots shaped like children, because it allows people to play out violent fantasies. I don't see how this is any different. Their reaction is pretty sick.

I know, I feel exactly the same way. I've seen two of the three trailers, and all that struck me about them is how little they made me want to see the film.

The gold standard in bad film advertising over the past few years would have to be Disney, but for the opposite reason. Their campaign for John Carter was basically "There's a movie. It's called John Carter. You should go and see it." It was like a teaser campaign with no payoff.

Hold tight. Hold tight. Hold tight hold tight.

Tailor swift now! Tinker slow yesterday!

Yet more proof that we have entered the darkest timeline.

I grew up in Australia, and beg to disagree. You can still buy Double Digests at supermarket checkouts there, just like in America.

Part of it was the fact that those Double Digests randomly took stories from all over, so you might have a 1940s-Andy-Hardy-Archie type story cheek by jowl with a 1960s-Hippy-Dippy-Archie story. They looked and acted a lot differently from one to another.

Heh, I thought I would be the only nerd to ask that question …

And a terrible, terrible movie it is.

These are all absolutely fair points. It wasn't the subject matter, it was just … I can't really put my finger on it, but it's one of those movies I came out of feeling sad and depressed and annoyed that I gave it my time.

Hot take: I really didn't like Boogie Nights. It was a well-made film about terrible people doing terrible things.

How is this headline not 'MGM buckles up for a Buckaroo Banzai reboot?'

And kicked a guy's teeth out on the way home.

Ah-huh-ah-huh, Ah-huh-ah-huh!

"Because there’s nothing more punk rock than having £5 million worth of stuff just lying around and the financial means to destroy it to make a point"

I kept seeing that footage of Hollywood Boulevard coming up on my Facebook feed, but when the movie actually came out, I drew a complete blank.

Maybe because it's so difficult to make a portmanteau word out of the two films, like how they described Waterworld as 'Fishtar'.