Bishonen Knife

The characters are great, but the story doesn't really hang together. However, I've watched it about a thousand times more than countless better-made movies, so that probably speaks for itself.

Well, I'm planning to go see Rules Don't Apply this week anyway, if only because I would happily watch paint dry if it's set in pre-1960s Hollywood.

Scrooged, a thousand times Scrooged.

Even the characters seemed kind of embarrassed when they were saying it.

There was a board game of this???

Me, reading the Battle of Hogwarts section of Deathly Hallows: "This is totally ripped off from Bedknobs and Broomsticks!"

'Woobs'. I am 100% never going to refer to my pyjamas as 'woobs'.

Heh, that never even occurred to me. I was too distracted by the fact that he'd only mentioned an interest in sports a couple of times during the whole series, and yet all of a sudden it's his lifes' dream.

Hot take: Bedknobs and Broomsticks shits all over Mary Poppins.

She has no editor? Ugh, that explains SO much. Editors should be compulsory.

Hopefully the article after that will be a comprehensive history of neckbeards.

It depressed me that more of them weren't conservationists, because if they want their sport to continue, they've gotta be.

♫ "There's Taylor, there's Tyler, there's Filmore and there's Hayes …." ♫

♫ "You're … a … crook, Charlie Korsmo …" ♫

I damn well hope not. I never liked either Avatar or Ally McBeal.

It's no coincidence that the point where it all started heading downhill was the same point at which they dropped the ball with Jim and Pam. They could have made the idea of them being parents, having to juggle work and their personal relationship and all that stuff really interesting and touching. They just didn't.

Ally McBeal is to sitcoms what Avatar is to movies. It was absolutely huge at the time, but disappeared out of the cultural conversation the moment it ended, and never came back.

I was thinking the same thing about The West Wing. I found it very hard to revisit during the Obama years because part of the appeal the first time round was "Instead of the current crappy administration, just imagine if we had a president who was good and humane and reasonable?"

I rewatch Twin Peaks at least every year or so. The first season still holds up as some of the best TV ever. The second, not so much, as everyone know, but there's still plenty of good stuff in it. One day, someone will come up with a fan edit that ditches all the crappy subplots.

Min May. The singer was Min May. My mother still calls any mediocre female singer 'Min May', because me and my brother watched the hell out of Robotech, and she thought Min May was a complete dingus.