Bishonen Knife

Can I just say, as someone who used to answer the phones in the equivalent of a state congressional office, that honey draws more flies than vinegar.

"Instead of me building a giant whale out of papier mache in our basement and packing it with pillows filled with custard, would it be OK if we just like, spooned?"

I can only give you my experience, in the hope that it helps. I've got a few people like this in my extended family tree, but my aunt's second husband is probably the worst. He's already got a hair trigger, but he's also a pothead, and gets super paranoid. He has a habit of accusing people of weird shit and just

I got drafted into making green bean casserole, and I actually found a recipe that isn't tinned crap mixed with tinned crap topped with tinned fried crap.

Go back to the Restoration, and you get Tis Pity She's a Vore

For years, my brother was seriously terrified of a teacher who jokingly told him she 'eats little boys like him for breakfast'. Adults, think before you talk!

Are 'those adult Disney hotels' a real thing? Asking for a friend.

Right? What train of thought leads from "Hm … I wonder what it would be like to be eaten whole by a blue whale?" to "Actually … I kind of find that arousing."

The more I read of this, the more it seems like a completely bullshit story.

Setting aside the Scientology business - trying to help other people is now 'opportunistic'? Yeesh. Life under Trump.

Norma's mother is someone completely different; Nadine's surname is different and some of the details of her marrying Big Ed are at variance with the show. In fact, the death of Pete isn't necessarily a deviance, because we never did find out what happened to him in that last episode.

Well, I'm glad to hear they're taking some kind of influences from the wider world, rather than just from other Star Wars movies, like TFA.

Anyone been reading The Secret History of Twin Peaks? It's intriguing, but it's also got a few major deviations from the series continuity.

Oh Christina Hendricks, what hath ye wrought?

So you're saying he's not up to the calibre of the stars of Dirty Grandpa, Jack and Jill, and The Island of Dr Moreau?

She does look kind of like Faith Domergue, who her character is presumably based upon.

Just to remind us how depressing this year has been, his last piece for Salon was about Terry Jones being diagnosed with dementia.

I wish musicians had term limits.

To be fair, they set an immense goal and earned around $250,000 of it, which is not to be sniffed at.