Bishonen Knife

A large slice of bright orange cheese committing bukkake upon a prostate nation.

♫ The kids of today should avenge themselves against the 90s!
It's not reality, just someone else's sentimentality
It won't work for you ♫

How long was it before Prince Philip jokingly referred to a black person as 'a darkie'?

Finally, I have a friend! (sniff)

I once saw her described as 'resembling a grilled cheese sandwich'.

Even more awkward - looking up at that stage and catching a glimpse of Kanye's ball sack up his trouser leg.

If your voice controls everything, why's the remote control necessary?

Including the Left Behind remake???

It's funny how removing just one letter from his name turns him into a discount furniture salesman with craaaaazy low prices.

Just ignore the knockers, Dik.

I know, right? His face is so slappable. I can't explain why, but it is.

Upvoted because oh yeah, that fry sauce …

It was part of their failed strategy to make an edgy tie-in teen comedy that combined all the worst things about American Pie and Mac and Me.

The one person I know who tried it didn't even end up buying the burger, because it was going to cost them about ten bucks.

Ah, sub-editors. We hardly knew ye.

This is the essence of their problem. I think they need to go completely the other direction - back to basics.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for them to announce a collaboration between R. L. Burnside and R. L. Stine.

Guys, an Australian gangster movie from the 1930s would be the tits. Seriously, it could be my favourite Tarantino movie ever and it's not even made yet.

Por que no los dos?

The best thing about the Lego Movie was the loving detail they put into the animation of the vintage spacemen - complete with the decals half rubbed off their front and the chinstrap of their helmets busted. Exactly as if they'd been rolling round in an old ice cream container for 30 years, like mine did.