Bishonen Knife

Good question. I know they had a lot of trouble insuring her on film sets. Seems like she fell off the wagon in around 2000, so maybe that had something to do with it? It also coincided exactly with the period during which she was dating Ed Norton.

Yeah, revise Shakespeare, people. Because we all know Shakespeare was shit, or at least not good enough for Lifetime.

Will he still have two lips like roses and clover?

People go to a lot of trouble to make waterproof enclosures for them. Some of them are really cool, and in all the time I've been here, I've only known of one being vandalized.

It looks like Sheeplauncher isn't around this week, so I took it upon myself to do a recap of Savage Lovecast. I don't plan to do this every week, and I only have access to the shorter free version, but here it is for now.

Whoever found that header picture is a genius.

You never need feel lonely with all your friends and fans here on AVC, Cookie. We may not be much, but we're something.

I guess a 'liberal cuke' is just a really large cucumber, then?

Solution: never eat Tootsie Rolls. They're gross.

LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Accepting a picture of some rando with a lightning bolt painted on their face as representative of the infinite variety and genius of Bowie is kind of like claiming you're a 'huge fan of classic film' but only being able to name Marilyn Monroe when you're asked who you're into.

Deep cut.

My niece insists on communicating with me solely in emojis and humorous GIFs. I'm betting they will have overtaken the English language by the time she's 21.

They were too busy updating us on the make-your-own-McDonalds-hamburger situation.

Yes. But heartwarming in the sense that books were exchanged. That is always a good thing.

In Australia, 'rooting' is slang for fucking. I like to think that particular card was designed by an Australian.

"Hey, it was sitting on your barbecue in your backyard. I assumed it was free!"

That just made my day.


Here in Portland, a lot of people have little book cases in their front yards which operate on an honesty-based take-a-book, leave-a-book system.