Bishonen Knife

Well, that's OK. The History Channel scaled back on making history ages ago. It's alien conspiracies all the way down nowadays.

Oh, that Winkies scene in Mulholland Drive … it somehow managed to combine several varieties of horror, from the visceral body horror of the way the guy looks, to the unspeakable fear I used to feel when something out-of-the-ordinary happened on television, like a commercial suddenly running backwards. David Lynch

A certain …. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, is what you're saying ?

Seems like you're getting a little
( •_•)>⌐■-■


This I'll admit: it's never a good idea to drink more than one Red Bull and Vodka in a single sitting. Being both wired and hungover is not a good feeling.

I think I've said this every single week, but it's worth saying again: the level of detail they put into each episode is just jaw dropping, right down to making the newsreel clips look like actual Fox Movietone newsreel clips.

Splash is a stone cold classic, but damn them if they're not about to pointlessly remake it …

There are two books I've picked up and been shocked - even embarrassed on the authors' behalf - that anyone, anywhere let them be published in actual book form. The Da Vinci Code was one, and the first Twilight book was the other.

It's like a masterclass in awful writing.

Angel has fallen, Buffy reported 'unharmed but shaken'. More at eleven.

There was a Baby Beaker! The fact that Baby Bunsen Honeydew wore bunny slippers was one of the greatest things about the show!

Holiday … road?

This is why I was so grateful when I started reading the Harry Potter books to my niece. She instantly decided that Hermione was the true hero of the story, and it vindicated the many times I've told her "Sure, it's nice to be pretty - but it's much more important to be clever."

The number of people whose sexual demands are based on "Pretty much everyone I know gets some every single day, so why not me?" suggests that a lot of people have some very untruthful friends.

It's getting turned on by rubbing yourself up against someone.

"The partner cheated on our caller with 20 other guys."

Ah, to think that's what we were arguing about last year. Twas a more innocent time, when to 'grab a pussy' simply meant 'pick up a cat' …

The only thing I remember about Alison Doody is that I once read an article about her that was titled 'Howdy, Doody'.

"And for the most part, a pass from fans."