Bishonen Knife

If this isn't based on James Young's Songs They Never Play On The Radio, it's a waste of a perfect opportunity. One of my all-time favourite rock bios.

Out of all the lost films, it's probably the one most likely to be a big disappointment. It got bad reviews at the time, and people who did recall seeing it said it was pretty forgettable.

I thought he was the funkiest monkey?

West Coast FTW!

I know, right? I read the headline and went "Danny Glover? Isn't he a bit old for this?"

The one thing we can be grateful for in the prequel movies is that they decided not to go with that whole 'cameo of a young Han Solo growing up with Wookiees' idea.

Pfft, everyone knows Lionel Ritchie is Lando Calrissian.

Not a fan of the Nancy Milford book. Or her biography of Edna St Vincent Millay.

I'm glad you mentioned the impossible sofa. I think of it every time I'm compelled to move a large piece of furniture.

It's Hard To Be A Wizard in the City

I'm not going to bother with a costume this year. I'm just going to post used condoms into all my neighbours' mailboxes.

*Sad Charlie Brown walk*

"No really. I'm just a transvestite and a really nice person. I'm a sweet transvestite!!"

Same here, and our teachers made a big fuss about finally getting the rights to Grease before they actually read it. I think we ended up doing Bye Bye Birdie instead.

Enhance. Enhance. Enhance, dammit!

And gathers them from some unnamed African nation in the first place.

Think of it this way: just imagine that the guy who broadcast himself dancing around in a Max Headroom mask had told everyone what he was going to do beforehand, and you knew it was fake, and instead of a major TV station he'd just put it on YouTube.

Food, mostly.

I occasionally sneak a peak at my far right wing cousin's Facebook page and this was top of the list for her. Or rather, abortion was at the top of her list, and the balance of the Supreme Court a close second because she really didn't want Roe vs Wade getting any stronger than it already is.

Honestly, I think a lot of it is plain ol' fashioned misogyny. Yes, even amongst the female Trump supporters, who seem even more likely to refer to her as 'Shrillery' than the men are.