Bishonen Knife

I thought Dan has said in the past that choking should be off the table no matter what anyway, because it's too dangerous?

That's why I liked Inside Out so much. The takeaway message was "It's healthy to feel bad sometimes," which is quite revelatory in its own way.

The mopey aspect is very telling. "If I do something bad to you, I'll pout until you feel like you've done something bad to me" is basically a form of negging.


The main appeal is that it's TOTALLY different from American cooking shows. There's none of that contrived rivalry; everyone is lovely and supportive of one another.

I turned 39 yesterday. In which case, I'm upset because you get a week on me.

The sad thing is that this was the mid 90s, so no. I have to make the assumption that it was either the sick bassline or the nostalgic appeal that got them horny. Either way - gross, gross, gross.

To be fair, friends of mine saw him at a rock festival in the early 2000s, wandering in the crowd in bike pants. My sources tell me it was not good. Not good at all.

Same here, except it was a thing I didn't watch.

Embrace it! It's a great show!

You appear to have Cloud Stride as your user picture, so that's #winning in my book.

He's fabulous, but can he inject sexual innuendo into an innocent bap as effectively as Mel and Sue?

The last time I saw Robert Smith (in the front row, ahem), he was svelte and gorgeous.

For a pair of 50 years olds, it was probably the next best thing to an orgy.

Well, it's a lot more likely than Fat Bottomed Girls

I was thinking T. Rex, but yeah, it's a lot more generic late-70s glam than the official version.


One of my school friends lived next door to me, and my bedroom window was close to his parents' window (or more correctly, close to the window of his father and stepmother). They would play We Will Rock You on repeat all morning. I remember lying in bed one Sunday and counting it nine times in a row.

FWIW, I went in cold and with no knowledge of the twist. I still came away thinking that a) the twist was lame and b) It was an awful movie.

Someone wrote an e-book about this a few years back, tracing the evolution of Star Wars, and comprehensively debunking the whole 'Lucas grand plan' theory.