Bishonen Knife

I love that they mention the fake distributors logos. The parody of the Janus Films logo at the beginning of this episode was the icing on the cake.

Archie Comics already went nuts in the late 80s. "What do kids really want? A whole comic book dedicated to Archie and Reggie racing their remote controlled cars all over the nation, that's what!"

Like Grey Gardens, Salesman is weirdly hypnotizing. You get most of the way through before you know you've been hooked. It's a combination of the verité style, the weird subject matter, the fact that it all feels like a normal, crummy day some time in the late 60s …

Wow, this was so spot on … bravo, is all I can say!

Feeling Minnesota and The Big Hit loom high in my list of terrible Tarantino wannabes. Oh, and Boondock Saints, but that goes without saying.

Or finally came out of the closet.

It was one of the things that separated the real Tarantino from the flock of lesser Tarantinos that emerged in the late 90s. "Oh, we're swearing! We're swearing! Did you hear us swear? All the swears!"

REM and a drummer with two eyebrows. It just ain't right, dammit.

Sure she wasn't just pointing you guys out on a map?

OK, I re-read it. He says "I didn’t know what that was when I started writing this column." So I guess he meant 'many years ago when I started Savage Love', not 'When I started writing this week's column.'

I'm still getting over the fact that he didn't know what a vulva was until this week. Really Dan? Really? It's like me and Katy Perry. I don't like her music, but I still know who the heck she is.

It's been on my 'to buy on Blu Ray' list for a while, so you've just tipped me over into getting it.

He really didn't like the implication that the successful McFlys in the altered version of 1985 were basically yuppies, which is kind of awful when you think about it.

Such a good movie. Too bad it's not more widely available.

I want to know who's going to pay for this. I spilled beer all over it when that car smashed into me, who's going to pay my cleaning bill?

This sounds so much like Weird Al's Dare to Be Stupid that it's uncanny.

I know, I tried re-reading them and only got about three books in.

Kevin Spacey sprung to mind for some reason.

I still think the movie is an unsung classic, even with all of Jim Carrey's mugging.

Well, the guy who first advanced it thinks it's wrong - other folks have their theories on whether his justification is correct.