Bishonen Knife

As a kid, I remember every kind of broadcast disruption being indescribably terrifying, even if it was just a commercial running backwards or something.

A drag queen from Krypton.

Didn't it end up being disproven fairly conclusively, though? I was torn between wanting to know the story and enjoying the fact that it so unsolvable.

It's like he's tilting at windmills or something.

I literally watched Broadway Danny Rose yesterday, and checked up on Google Street view to make sure that the Carnegie Deli still looked exactly the same today. It did, and all was well with the world.

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is one of those movies I watched at 2am one night and I'm still not sure whether I actually dreamed the whole thing.

T.S. Eliot predicted this.

And rolled in a dead Smurf afterwards.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: this film is 100% packed with elements that should interest me, and yet I can't work up the slightest bit of enthusiasm for it.

It's the only part of the Velvet Underground legacy that makes me seriously depressed. Even the all-Doug-Yule, no-Lou-Reed period is less awful than Mo Tucker being a Tea Partier.

I have seen endless paintings in local thrift shops that suggest that imitating the basic forms (mountains, trees, little cabins) is fairly simple, but doing them well and in decent proportion is quite difficult.

I would be totally up for a sequel, but prequel? Hell no.

I can't find my copy of Up-Tight: The Velvet Underground Story so I'll have to paraphrase:

My response for every reference to that so-called Blade Runner sequel they're currently preparing: UGH.

ASMR is awesome. Bob Ross is awesome. I am already quite drunk in advance of the Presidential debate.

"That's not a knife … this is a knife"
*Reference to the Crocodile Hunter*
*Reference to Yahoo Serious*

Don't forget awesome production design. I wouldn't give up those pastel Logan's Run tunics and silver surfaces for anything.

… and why the series of Merlin only makes sense if you consider that Arthur's character is a younger version of Graham Chapman in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

As long as you insist on pronouncing it 'Frankensteen'.

Hey, don't rob me of 1970s Michael York! 1970s Michael York is awesome! I could drown in that voice.