Bishonen Knife

Also, the name 'Rob Zombie' is inherently annoying. Would I call myself 'Knife Dracula'? Nope.

'Clown-based horror film'.

'Mean Streets and Pastel Houses' is the greatest title of anything ever.


There are thousands of others like you!
Others like you!
(Well, at least one …)

If it helps, I got the song stuck in my head the minute I read the headline.

Good point. I stand corrected.

Too much Patrón typically makes you expecto something that looks like a Patronus.

Editors? How quaint. Just like trains that go 'choo-choo' and phones that go 'ring-ring' unironically.

I prefer to think that X-Files is in the same universe as Twin Peaks.

I want 'Pale, Bearded Doughy Fucker' on a t-shirt.

I wish we were in the universe where the Hitchhiker's Guide movie was actually as good as its casting.

Duncan Jones looked at his schedule and thought "De-stuh-nay-shun …. MooooOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN ….."

They really need to do a Random Roles with Courtney Love, because a) it would be fascinating, and b) all her roles were random.

They could have at least made a reference to his vaguely icky relationship with his former half-sister in Clueless.

It didn't help that the production design was so half-assed. "Hire a couple of old cars, shove a couple of doilies on the table - boom! We're in the twenties!"

At what point does Duncan Jones actually say this is 'set in the same universe' as Moon? He says it is 'related to' Moon. This could mean it's set on the Moon. It could mean it's science fiction. It could mean that it's a frat boy comedy that involves somebody mooning somebody. Facts, people, facts!

Deep cut!

*Whips up a proper batch of British scones*

It's never a good sign when a name seems like it should have "I've got a bad case of …" in front of it.