Bishonen Knife

It's like Adrian Mole, but French!

Planet …. ARium.

That's the second time someone's made reference to the gripping hand on the AVC in the past 24 hours. My day is complete.

The British season of this is about to drop off Acorn. So, I thought "OK Acorn - I'll show you. I'll get into 'Raised by Wolves' instead."

Money didn't matter yesterday, and it sure don't matter tonight.

It can be cured by a topical application of LaBoeuf.

I was seven when Gremlins came out, and I wasn't allowed to go see it.

The content was fairly dark but the production design was bright and cartoonish, so you end up with this weird cognitive dissonance.

Good point.

I mean impossibly beautiful people have their own self-doubts, just like the rest of us. I have known people whose attractiveness ends up being the thing they resent most about themselves.

A general observation about letters #1 and #3. The concept of 'gratefulness' pops up in both. I can't think of a single healthy relationship based around 'gratefulness', because it implies an inherent imbalance in the give-and-take that makes a relationship work.

Good analysis. I was trying to put my finger on why that letter grossed me out so much, beyond the "should I continue this miserable relationship now that I'm getting what I want" message, but I think you hit the nail on the head.

It was a fair question, but FakeDan seemed to completely miss the point. He seemed to interpret it as 'This guy is a tightwad'. I don't think that's what he was getting at.

OtherDan's answer was super harsh, though. Particularly if this guy is in the closet, "he sounds boring, dump his ass" is hardly a good way of helping him out of it.

What you described is pretty much everyone in the entire world. There are no ccol kids, there are just people who are extra good at faking self-confidence.

That whole letter was gross. Even setting aside the icky racial stuff, the tl;dr version is: "I'm settling for some chick who's clearly settling for me. But the other day she finally gave me what she wanted. Despite our clear mutual antipathy, continuing to settle for her would now be the right thing to do, amirite? I

This endeavour has at least taught me why the real Dan Savage's Twitter handle is 'Fake Dan Savage'.

How did this whole notion of calling a bathing suit a 'Speedo' start, anyway? They're Speedos. If you're wearing Levi jeans, you don't say you're wearing a Levi.

So I guess his first album was the one with Get Out of My Dreams (Get Into My Car), right?

That sounds like a version I could get behind.