Bishonen Knife

In my recollection, not much is worse than The Devil's Advocate.

THAT would be interesting.


Every lawyer should watch this movie.

Presuming that Affleck is taking the Tyrone Power role, I honestly can't think of anyone who'd do justice to Charles Laughton's.

The original is a solid gold classic, but not for the first time, I'm confronted by the question: "… and then why the heck would they consider remaking it?"

Is this news 'The AVClub's being turned into Gawker and all the good people are getting sacked?'

The snark is strong in this one.

If it were Alanis Morissette, I might consider watching.

Mos Eisley Cantina
Monday-Friday: Scum and Villainy, 4-6pm Happy Hour
Saturday: Karaoke 6-9pm
Sunday: Closed for Private Event

It's funny how calling him 'Donnie Trump' instantly turns him into some Cousin Oliver-type minor child sitcom star instead of a terrifying cauldron of seething insanity.

It's a thin, oily slick of glamorous people floating atop a dense pool of minimum wage earners.


"So why did [Andy] get so aroused when he wrestled men? I’ve since looked closely at the match where Andy was given the pile driver by Jerry Lawler, and yep, he is “pitching a tent” as he gets carried off on a stretcher."

Screw this guy and his douchey blue hair.

Wait, David Cross is married to Amber Tamblyn ??? Huh.

Came here to say the same thing. Gotta lose the hobo beard.

Spare a thought for the Weasley twins.

Sellar? I barely knew 'er!

I saw that at a $3 second-run movie house that serves pizza to your seat. It was exactly the way in which to enjoy that kind of film.