Bishonen Knife


The That Was Then, This Is Now movie disappointed me, because Bryon was such a slam-dunk Matt Dillon role, and yet it turned out to be the only S.E. Hinton movie without Matt Dillon in it.

Certainly not with this book. There's too many traumatic deaths in it as it is.

And the stage play, even more so. That thing was like Broadway's equivalent of Star Wars back in the day.

Heston had a history of denying the obvious gay subtext in his films. When he was asked about having played Michaelangelo in The Agony and the Ecstasy he replied that he had done a lot of research and concluded that Michaelangelo was definitely, absolutely, totally not gay. He was just really, really, really in to

The 1925 version will always kick the most ass. It's cheesy, it's cloying … it's action packed, and it's freaking amazing. If you ever get a chance to see it in a cinema, do so.

Date, Marry, Fornicate.

This was the first book I ever read where I got to the last page, flipped back to the start, and immediately began reading it again. Good times.

D: Two-Bit
M: Ponyboy
F: Sodapop

Like Nails on a chalkboard, per se?

Every Spin Doctors Song = Every Other Spin Doctors Song. I'll give you that.

In this day and age, it never ceases to amaze me that people are so respectful around some issues, and yet still have no problem perpetuating the bi=promiscuous/confused/closeted stereotypes.


I sure miss the days when we heard our movie analysis from Roger Ebert instead of YouTube celebrities.

There's no apologetic "Well, that's it for our coverage of a great show that's worth covering" in their review of the final episode of season 1, so here's hoping.

Yay, now tell us what happened to Kennedy!

Can we settle one thing once and for all?

It's actually going to be a biopic of a plucky Australian grunge band making it in the late 90s.

Even when their computer system isn't melting down, Delta stands for 'Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport'.

I watched the whole first series on an international flight recently. By the end, my internal monologue had a New Zealand accent.