Bishonen Knife

… and this is why I discourage my mother from making long political rants on Facebook. I hate Trump as much as she does. I follow all the same liberal causes she does. But I know that simply shouting my beliefs in other peoples' faces isn't going to convert a single person to my cause.

It depends on the other person and their situation, I would say. There are people I've been in relationships with who I'd be totally comfortable saying that to. There are others that I wouldn't. It's probably no coincidence that those in the former category tend to be stable long-term relationships themselves.

I can't help referring to our local Montessori School as 'Experiment House'.

's Alright (For Fighting)!

Also, excessive tartan.

A jive talking robot.

Hot as the Sahara desert!

I wouldn't either, but that's the point. In much the way that the cover-all label of 'grunge' was applied to a hugely diverse set of artists, all of a sudden every woman singer was suddenly lumped in together as a unified genre, regardless of how different they were from one another.

I'm with you on 2000 being their official end. They toured my city late last year, and I didn't even pause to think about going to see them. As far as I'm concerned, they're now a Smashing Pumpkins cover band that happens to have Billy Corgan as its lead singer.

Fair enough, but the point (which O'Neal doesn't really go into in depth here) is that she was lumped together with all these other so-called Angry Females in the wake of Jagged Little Pill.

Also, it was the ice bucket challenge of its age. Politicians, z-grade celebrities - everyone had to be seen doing the Macarena.

Wow, well that was a nostalgia trip.

… and that guest is a twerking 19 year old pretending to masturbate with a giant foam hand while ruminating about how hard it is to be a nebbish New York intellectual?

I have watched Hail, Caesar! twice and enjoyed it thoroughly on both occasions.

Mind blown!

Her parents met on the set of a porno. Her story basically goes downhill from there.

Heh, I was even going to say "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" but wondered if it was too much of a regional thing for people to get.

Fan2stic Beasts

They're twice as expensive as regular women, and numerous scientific studies have failed to establish that they're any better. You will, however, feel much smugger about having picked them up.

If it helps, left/right confusion is a really common condition, something like 1 in 5 people have it.