Bishonen Knife

Well, a certain amount of Eno is deliberately bland background music, and most of Coldplay is unintentionally bland background music, so they're a good fit.

I didn't think my respect for Bowie could rise any higher, until I heard that he'd fobbed off an offer to collaborate with Coldplay because they're not very good.

Possibly they don't play that bit when it's in the playlist rotation for whatever local radio station plays smooooth classic rock from the 70s, 80s and 90s …

I might actually have supported the inclusion of Tom Bombadil if they'd got Bowie to play him.

Or Reality. "Bring Me The Disco King" is as brilliant as anything else he has ever done.

I'm constantly galled by how many people think that "The Man Who Sold The World" is a Nirvana song that David Bowie once covered, rather than the other way around.

It would have been fun but frankly also kind of horrifying. Hence, cocaine addiction.

I refuse to believe that 'Rowdy Herrington' is a real name.

There was absolutely no way this article would pass without at least one reference to the Cherry Poppin' Daddies.

"Lucifer's Olive Garden" is the term evangelicals use to refer to the forbidden crotch area.

If there's such things as furries, there must be such things as people who get off by putting their junk in a box of cereal. #rule34

Not in your family's version, maybe …

I saw a couple of Deloreans at the George Barris Custom Car Show a few years back. It was quite heartwarming how dippy everyone went over them.

That asks the question of the line between homage and parody, though. In a parody, you're playing with the conventions to comment on them, and usually to have a joke at their expense. In a homage, you're just playing by those conventions. Perhaps it's because I've watched a lot of silent film, but The Artist felt more

If Star Wars had been a flop, Spaceballs would probably be justly forgotten. Or wouldn't have been made int he first place.

I would argue that The Artist is a pretty straight silent film rather than a parody of one.

Here's an easy way I found of distilling the proof of his widespread influence: put on a Pandora station - pretty much any station - and no matter what era it's from or what genre it is, a Bowie song's bound to crop up sooner or later.

That actually doesn't sound too bad. Might check it out.

Being over 35, that headline makes absolutely no sense to me.