Bishonen Knife

Wasn't it her daughter who was all those things?

Anyone who's calling for a gritty reboot is missing the point. The books were plenty gritty. The TV series was the ungritty reboot that tricked everyone into thinking the books were a sappy feelgoodfest for doomsday preppers.

You know, it's probably a good thing that the dog was called Checkers. Just imagine how history would regard him if he were best known for the Mr Snuffles Speech or the Poochie Speech.

Almost literally what you just said.

So you're saying it's not bioluminescent cheese? HERETIC!

Ah, 2016. You've been full of surprises thus far, I'll give you that.

I do feel for the guy. I've met him, and he seemed cool and genuinely passionate and knowledgable about fantasy fiction. But when he mentioned that Penny was being played by the best-looking guy he had ever met in his life, I started to worry that fidelity to the books would not be a priority …

Yup, apparently Kady (Penny's girlfriend) is the replacement for Josh. I guess you can't show slackers on SyFy.

Are you a crook?

Don't ruin the ending for me!

Alice in the book wasn't waifish. At one point, Quentin alludes to her being on the plump side.

I thought they were replacing Josh with a completely different character?

So I guess Harrison Ford officially no longer gives a shit?

This is why sticking with the same formula after Stewart left was exactly the wrong choice to make. Noah is clearly a different kind of comedian. They should have given him a different kind of show rather than awkwardly meeting an old format halfway.

Something something farting boner corpse.

I took my five year old niece to see it, and I swear, every adult in the cinema was a mess by the end, including me and my brother. You could actually hear the sniffles.

As always, Downton Abbey's main message: the wealthy are awesome, and we should all bow down to their awesomeness.

lol wtf is hoser

It totally was.

“It was people! People soiled our green!”