
If David Lynch ever directed Mad Men, we now know what it would look like.

Well, he *did* see John Hurt.

Spoilers, man.

Wait. You said you ordered Dominos, but you also said you ordered pizza. I think I'm confused by this.

You know nothing of urology, Jon Snow.

I remember taking my kid to this movie. I went in with pretty much no knowledge of it, and some pretty damn low expectations. I wound up grinning like an idiot throughout the entire movie. How they managed to slip a homage to eighties teen movies past the studio, I'll never know.

It'll make the whole "where to whores go?" thing a little different.

It painful how tightly EA holds on to that license. I worked at Origin when the end came. Watching so much history being removed from the office was a sad thing.

Bless me Ultima VII was the best one. Can you kill Lord British in this movie?

Watche Die Hard with my son (his first time seeing it. I am suuuuch a good Dad sometimes!). You're right, it was the everyman quality of the character which moves the movie. Every crazy thing he has to do breaks him down a little bit more. He doesn't do something crazy because it seems like a good idea, it's because


Been saying that for years now. My son is now twelve. He reads comics, but only my old ones from when I was a kid. He has a tough time finding anything remotely entertaining when I take him to a comic store.

One of my complaints when this first aired was how unrealistic that kind of panic would be. Yeah. Well, I was wrong.

Jersey, I morn is pretty good.

Jaysus. Yeah, Linnea Quigley kind of informed the kind of woman I would be looking for as I went through adolescence.  I've always wondered if my first stirrings had been a more mainstream actress if my dating life wouldn't have been different.

Bizzaro Carl still won't stay in the house, but at least the anti-Lori isn't nearly as annoying.

Bizzaro Carl still won't stay in the house, but at least the anti-Lori isn't nearly as annoying.

"Before the outbreak, Dr. Thaddeus Canis was a renowned expert in late period Mycenaean warfare. Sadly, his attempts to explain to the group the advantages in adopting the proper use of a shield and doru, similar to the Hoplite armies, was translated by stereotype filter into the single sentence "Aw, hell no" and

"Before the outbreak, Dr. Thaddeus Canis was a renowned expert in late period Mycenaean warfare. Sadly, his attempts to explain to the group the advantages in adopting the proper use of a shield and doru, similar to the Hoplite armies, was translated by stereotype filter into the single sentence "Aw, hell no" and

The hockey riots are going to rock.