
Without too much in the way of spoilers, I was a little disapointed overall. This series reminded me of a really good bands second album. You know, the one where the music is pretty similar but there's just something missing that made the first one so compelling. This series, although fine as far as procedurals go,

God damn. I don't think you've really lived until you can make a statement like that.

Blues Brothers here. I remember that my parents friends had some great new device (could have been a laser disc player) that would allow them to watch a movie whenever they wanted from their own home. It even had a remote! (attached to a cord. Trust me kids, technology was really like that. Ask your grandparents.)

I had more than a few problems with this movie.

If this show had been 5 seasons, it would be remembered as one of the greats of this new golden age of television. Hell, any show that could make you laugh one minute and rip your heart out the next deserves some credit.

Moral math
I'm not offended by folks who make stupid comments. Hell, if someone recorded every offensive thing I've said while drunk, most would view me as the worst person in the world.

And on that point. There are some of you, I'm sure, thinking that this won't happen to you. When you were 15 you listened to terrible crap like Korn or something, and you've matured out of it.

Here's the thing. Think back to when you were 15. What are you listening to?

I only shed tears two times as an adult in public. I'm not an insensitive bastard or anything, it's just not in my mental makeup to do so.

Bangs was too damn good a writer to have stuck to music.

Keep in mind that the elevator pitch for Doc Savage would be "What if Lex Luthor gathered together a bunch of wacky sidekicks to fight crime…and Lex Luthor like to punch people".

Flashman was such a magnificent bastard.

It's amazing how one bad movie can kill a franchise
I know there's been a list done of films where a bad performing movie has killed a franchise.