
I would love to see people view the show through the lens of modern television (i.e., you damn kids with your interwebs and such). Hill Street Blues was really the start of our golden age of television. It spawned Homicide which spawned OZ, which spawned the Wire. Today we see any number of dramas which find art in

"These right here, these are the pawns. They like the soldiers. They move like this, one space forward only. Except when they fight, then it's like this. And they like the front lines, they be out in the field….look, the pawns, man, in the game, they get capped quick. They be out the game early." -From the book

Perhaps they can bring Outsourced back, but find a way to film it cheaper. They might wish to consider hiring cheaper employees out of the country or something.

Three episodes in, and I have no idea  how I feel about the show. None. Not a clue.

Thankfully he waited until the child was born. You never want to give a kid an idea to pull a "Crazy Ivan" while in the womb.

I thought the Simpsons ending with the episode "Behind the Laughter" was pretty good. By breaking the fourth wall for the finale it put a nice capper on a great series. Sure, it would have been great to see another ten years of brilliance out of that show, but stopping there was the right thing.

I'm upset that you would include Rick "Frank" Grimes in your discussion. Grimes, or "Grimey" as he loved to be called, has a great back story. Here's an orphan who has been working since he was 4. The tragedy of the silo explosion should show the depth and strength of his character. And even though his agonizing

Agreed. It's like they won't even give those poor Nazis some points for at least having an ethos.

It never hurts to help!

I live not too far from the Falls and I have a few friends who live on the reservation. They were disgruntled by the fact that they used a made up tribe rather than the Seneca Nation (member of the the Iroquois confederacy, there are around 30-50,000 people of the tribe who still live in Western New York. It's also

It's also not like Tears of a Clown was exactly a conventional film. (Never released, but it was, at least, finished.)

Sadly, for me it's digital files I recorded off old VHS tapes I had lying around for half a decade. That project took forever. Ugh.

The problem is that by the time he came out, the show had become very disjointed. The gritty realism had been replaced with younger, more attractive actors, more sensationalist crimes, sleeker sets and an overall lack of direction for the characters. The DNA that would find it's way into the wire was stripped out in

For me, I would support my partner until my partners positions are killing children. Look, I've been with people who believed in animal telepathy, all sorts of kooky religions, and a whole spectrum of political and social stances that didn't jibe with mine. It's the spice of life, you know? Still, not one of those

I hope that somewhere in the film he tries to eat a planet of transforming robots. You know, just so it can serve as the perfect bookmark to his career.

"It never hurts to help!"

The real answer to "what happened to punk?" is, I feel, a simple one. Hip Hop.

Wait. There's a connection between Ben and Glory?

Well, if there was a simple formula then every musician would be a hit song writer who remains beloved by fans and critics for decades. There isn't, and folks living in the moment will never be able to guess.

I didn't like it. I had to listen to the sound of my girlfriend, who hadn't read the books, sob. If there had been music I could have turned it up to drown her out. (Kidding about the drowning out bit, but my god. The neighbors must have thought I was beating her, she cried so loud during the wedding.)