Anywhere I lay my head

Cool story, bro.

They should have known something was up when they named the movie after a David Bowie tour.

Hmm, Deckard did more than kidnap me, boys.

More lesbians, amirite?

Even I have to like this.

I think it's more like secular business was being conducted in the Temple.

lol I have like 412 "friends" I want to cut it down just to see updates from people who are important.

Cool story

I think I'm gonna stop watching movies where the dude is in advertising on general principle. I just hope they don't make a Mad Men movie.

lol learn 2 internet

Jeff Tweedy fucking sucks.

Just like in real life. lol

That eating scene was very erotic.

Your reviews are fucking boring with their attitude.

I support this idea.

Jung believes that those centerfolds are reflections of the Hussy Archtype.


Just watch the Final Cut and then the Making of feature. Warning about the Making of part, it's atleast three hours long.

I agree totally.

haha I'm still playing Battlefield 1942. It really is the best.