Anywhere I lay my head

Alex Jones' Don't Worry about the Government

Alex Jones' Don't Worry about the Government

Just like the real ladies are want to do, amirite?

Just like the real ladies are want to do, amirite?

And you say this as someone that wouldn't live anywhere else, right?

And you say this as someone that wouldn't live anywhere else, right?

I may be absent for long periods but I always seem to pick the right time to make a return.

I may be absent for long periods but I always seem to pick the right time to make a return.

Obama's a lizard person? Don't give them any ideas or else they are going to get really crazy and drag the Protocols of the Elders of Zion into all of this.

Obama's a lizard person? Don't give them any ideas or else they are going to get really crazy and drag the Protocols of the Elders of Zion into all of this.

I want Nixon to come back and give us that special brand of terrific bitterness blended with economic liberalism. Nixonian Democrats, I know you're out there!

I want Nixon to come back and give us that special brand of terrific bitterness blended with economic liberalism. Nixonian Democrats, I know you're out there!

It's really hard to tell what you mean since I suspect Romney and Obama are replicants.

It's really hard to tell what you mean since I suspect Romney and Obama are replicants.

Is it any surprise that the guy from Creed is doubling down on more social conservatism and less welfare for all of poor unfortunates that he doesn't have to see on a daily basis? Tell me when Gang of Four become Romney supporters then I'll be really awestruck.

Is it any surprise that the guy from Creed is doubling down on more social conservatism and less welfare for all of poor unfortunates that he doesn't have to see on a daily basis? Tell me when Gang of Four become Romney supporters then I'll be really awestruck.



What everybody is not seeing in this headline is that the Soviet Union is back!

What everybody is not seeing in this headline is that the Soviet Union is back!