Anywhere I lay my head


Zombies have gotta come in all shapes and sizes. Diversity helps their roster to really come off the bench and stick it to the other team.

Fuck yeah, that do you wanna date my avatar girl is hot hot hot.

Fuck yeah, we need to print up t shirts of the well zombie.

Yeah sheltie, I don't really like the changes they've made to commenting. It's cut down on my activity.

u mad, bro?

I don't know maybe it's because I love conspiracy theories but I was excited when I saw the trailer for this.

Nothing says you're really original than making the same cliche comment that everybody else made inside of their heads.

LEGO Blade Runner or GTFO.

Man that's what I'm gonna do.

Where I come from twelve bucks gets you an argument about whether or not if Deckard was a replicant. (He was.)

Roy Batty, Archmage? Here I come.

Mhm. I missed this board.

Suicide Girls don't have any looks like Rachel over there so it's a failure.

I'll watch it soon.


littlealex, you coming out of the closet, bro?

There's lesbian subtext?

There's some cheap ass Fangora movie called I, Zombie.

Didn't one of the zombies on the highway rise up like he was actually looking under the cars?