Anywhere I lay my head

Oregon Trail ftw! I like to run my wagon as fast as possible and hardly hunt. 2 settlers always die.

Hell yeah that movie looks completely shithouse.

Well I'm gonna check outta this show if there's no Tim.

Jealous, bro? lol

Highschool girls man, I get older but they stay the same age.

Ayn Rand approves.

Is this a thing?

Cool story, bro.

God love you Lovecraft.

Because you rode their fucking backs about it until they told you to fuck off?

Your friend is a God amongst mortals.

I think he's definitely being sarcastic.

I guess someone has gotta like Cleveland.

What did someone just say about a decaying and atrophied culture being a sign of the decline of an empire?


lol OP was smoking crack.

It's important because WE like it and they, the great unwashed, are outside of the gate and they can't get into the party because they're the NEERDDSS.


You're fucking perverted.

Awesome work.