Anywhere I lay my head

What was hotter, Black Swan or Mulholland Drive?

Get off of this board!

Can't wait until BBC stops fucking around and airs the next two hours of Battlestar.

You mean women don't act like that? Porn lied, people died.

I wanna see this ending!


You are a disgrace to the Weekly World News, bat boy.

Or Night of the Meek.

aww, I wanna Michael Bay's version of Time Enough at Last.


He probably thinks that Blade Runner is for queers.

The breaking your monocle meme needs to come back.

I'll give you a like just because of your sweet avatar.

The appeal of this group is eight things if you know what I mean and I think you do.

Me too.

Me too.

That meme sounds AWESOME.


No way!! You heard DAWES on the radio?! Do you live in the fifth dimension or something?

Classy way to refer to your girlfriend.