Gerald McBoingboing

And then finally the Shadowrun corporate dystopia of our wildest dreams.

Who do you expect me to believe, the movie that won the Cold War or some guy on the internet?

I imagine as you get older you stop caring about that shit so much and just try to find happiness where you can and enjoy it while it lasts.

It's great but you can only visit once.

When you cut out a man's ass, you are only telling the world you fear what he has to spray.

I mean yeah, he looks like a guy with a bunch of tiny skeletons in his backyard but wasn't that the gist of his character on The Office, too?

A little tongue after a handshake and backrub makes meetings more relaxed and pleasant.


Well, I enjoyed your story.

Yes please. I need someone I can believe in, not the least offensive mealy-mouthed placater that won't piss off the big donors they could scrape off the bench. There's got to be someone who still wants to do good things and make the world a better place, we just have to figure out how to get them into politics.


Look, we can argue the merits of rhyming "doodoo" with Yoo Hoo" vs. just how many times you can say "to the break of dawn" on an album but I feel like we'd just be splitting hairs.

In the 80's my favorite was Ad Rock, but I came around to MCA when he got big into Buddhism and peace and all that. I will regret to my dying day never seeing them in concert; I had tickets to Outside Lands in San Francisco and was a few days from buying airfare when they cancelled because MCA got sick.

Nothing so metropolitan, just good old processed American cheese colored partial dairy product by the individually wrapped slice.

Kind of hypocritical of Zeus to annihilate a whole city for that, given the bestiality and all.

And think of the articles on future websites when your corpses are excavated.

Sounds like Professor Tightass up there could use a good volcanic wank.

That's a common misconception, eating syphilyptus leaves is perfectly safe.

And look at all this green pea-ness!

Thor: Ragnarok That 18+ Caucasian Body