Gerald McBoingboing

♫ Well I got a surfin' dog and they call him a Woodyyyyy ♪

Goddammit gimme that, you're doin' it all wrong!

You are a treasure.

Droogs are telling me- lots of droogs, the best droogs, even fat stinking Billy Boy, they're saying- and this is terrible, tragic, the local milk people, they can't even get a moloko vellocet anymore, all these immigrants- I assume some of them have yarbles. Bing bing bing bing bing ultra violence, sad!

Next week on MTV's Dumbasses and Death Threats, a mysterious caller identifying himself as "The Nooch" is leaving threatening, profane messages on the White House answering machine!

Oh we still can, it's just for pleasure more than procreation.

Sounds like a very different Game of Thrones but one I would definitely watch.

Did you sign a prenuptial

I'm really tired of all this winning.

Don't you worry about leaks, let me worry about blank.

This has the backwoods stink of an Arkansas hick all over it.
"Ya have ta give him a good nickname so it's believable, like Skeeter or Pickle! And double check yer spellin' so he looks like a smart kid!"

I read a quote from Mike Judge awhile back, about how easy it is to fall into that rut where every character on your TV show talks like a smartass. The last seasons of Futurama make me think of that every time, it's like they were using fanfiction scripts.


I was wondering if they were going to scrap the World Maggot plotline from the books entirely, I guess that answers that.

That kid was just 58 years away from retirement!

I guarantee you they were known as "Old Hermit _____ " and pets have mysteriously gone missing in the neighborhood for as long as anyone can remember.

I know plenty of people 30+ that are still fleek.

If this isn't a rhetorical question then the answer is no. God no. Hell no. The kind of person who supports the cretinous, hateful behavior this man gleefully exhibits on a daily basis absolutely does not have the capacity for self-reflection necessary to admit mistakes or exhibit personal growth.

I'm going with Very High to With Absolute Certainty.

Citizens Ordered To Evacuate, Watch Television Instead