Gerald McBoingboing

You're thinkin' outside the box, that's great kid! Unfortunately your hideously gigantic pungent feet qualify as midgets under the SAG contract and we don't have the scratch for three actors!

The height thing seems oddly specific, could this just be for like, back shots of Thor? Do they do that when the actor isn't available for reshoots?

No, that's "hot and horsey."

This thing is bigger than "Where's your beer?" guy. This goes all the way to the top.

… and if you shove some wet hot dog in me, I might.

15 pounds of hot dog weight and eight pounds of water weight

I've been of the opinion for… oh, about 9 months now that Republicans don't want to be citizens. They want to be subjects.

This baby driver has the immature palate of an actual baby!

Low energy Jon Snow can't cut it!

At the very least we could have had some cool costuming, not those CGI plastic Orcs.

I'm pretty sure it says foot.

Maybe viewers were frightened by her rictus grin.

If there is a god, it's only in the sense that we're trapped in some kind of galactic Sims game being played by the universe's most nihilistic dimension-spanning tween.

And really it seems like with the skunk ape's noted affection for McFish sandwiches in the documentary Harry and the Hendersons one surely would have wandered into civilization by now.

You have harpies on your head?!

Prehensile hairpiece.


Round back.

Is that not the "finger lickin' good" I hear so much about?

I'm not the breast at pun threads, but I'll try to wing it.