Gerald McBoingboing

"That's a pretty long tie you got there, BROTHER."

Damn baby, you make me wish I had three sickle-like second toe claws!

No it's just nuts.

Close, it's basically more "As a hero, I will do anything, even commit horrible, villainous atrocities, to SAVE MY PEOPLE."

It's been years but I seem to remember the kid's ending coming first, since the… giant space turtle being dead in the adult timeline meant that they could possibly lose (and also being grown up and not having that sense of childlike belief in good triumphing over evil).

Lea Thompson is great I guess, but the real star of that movie was the girl duck in the bath during the opening scene.

Brown cornholes!

Man every time a tour I want to see doesn't come to Texas, I always get so mad. Shortly followed by "Honestly, I wouldn't come here either."

Confirmation that one day, if you work really hard and grow a sweet moustache, you too could be a pro wrestler who is also the mayor.

If you end up with six symbiotes with varying degrees of "90s edgy but not too edgy, maybe like that guy from the Firestarter video" personality, that's Maximum Carnage. And it really bites.

Are you a bad enough dude to touch hands with the President?

Well it's not a goatsucker per se

Are the Netflix shows technically "MCU"? The obvious choice here would be The Punisher.

For real. Tywin Lannister was the best villain they've had so far and as far as I know he didn't rape or skin anyone.

I agree, and would love to see the DC universe branch out (particularly the occult titles) under the direction of artists with a distinctive voice, but the answer is control freaks and crossover potential.

I'm thinking Bruce Campbell.

And then putting our dicks in them?

This DM has gonad with power!

Now that Tim Allen is out of the way, our hellish plan to provide healthcare for all can bear its infernal fruit! Bwa ha ha ha!

Oh, what a fun sexy time for you.