Gerald McBoingboing

I just got out of a meeting with a guy who no shit said this to me: "Were you watching that Comey thing? Can you believe it? Completely exonerated!"

Walter White takes a bite from a candy bar.

"I'll try obfuscating! That's a good trick!"

Katie Rife must be some kind of jock to make that kind of error. Possibly a prep.

I'm not going to apologize for loving my sexy family.

Seconded on Our Dumb Century. I was working in a bookstore when it released and when I pulled it out of the box and started flipping through it, then figured out what was going on and started laughing uncontrollably (I think it was the part with the "fifhwive who haf fcurvy, and fcreamf long into the night") I knew I

Millennials Selfishly Hoarding Their Blood, Worldwide Youth Shortage Imminent

I hope all you irradiated hicks get gill cancer!

Still working on Season 1, do they ever get to Odin's meat monster?

Gonna check with my local Democratic Party chapter (or whatever they call them), if the 2018 congressional candidate isn't running on an "Impeach This Fucker" platform I'll goddamn do it myself.

I'm sure we've all got plenty of hate to spare.

Also The Toymaster is there.

What's next, Amos and Andy? As women?!

The Gungan Trilogy

I think I only ever saw part of the first one, did they ever establish who was the Master of Unlocking? Was it Jill?

You get to a certain age and it's harder to have heroes. Maybe Chris Evans?

And do I detect a smack of ham?

There will be Pussy Grabbers onstaff for ID checks and… such.

My earliest Star Wars memory is of my dad telling me I could pick one toy at the store and all they had left were the fucking 3rd stringers and background characters so I got some droid with like a tire-shaped head and eight little probe arms.

I was raised Christian and yes, the existential terror of whether or not pulling your sister's hair is going to be what tips you over into an afterlife of eternal damnation and boiling forever in a molten lake is exhausting. To say nothing of how awful it is to try and jerk off while your dead relatives might be