Gerald McBoingboing


Well, bad things happen to bad people sometimes.

Incredible read, thanks for posting.

I'm as scared of sinkholes as an adult as I was quicksand as a child, which is to say extremely and illogically.

Creature From the Black Tar Lagoon

Sounds boring as shit, and based on that Mummy trailer from the other day they somehow managed to miss the mark for both "fun" (Marvel) and, uh… "Martha" (DC). They should have given this endeavor to Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman or someone (though I did enjoy Gods and Monsters quite a bit so maybe I'll check out Bride

I'll have a White Power Frappelatte, extra foam, extra cream, extra milk, hold the coffee.

*does crazy midget dance while you play piano*

Gerald, 964, a bewitching and fey wood sprite who loves stealing human children and artisanal guacamole.

Set phasers to thrill!

I missed out on the GWAR wall penis but I've got a good feeling about this one.

A killer tracking a man is a peculiar spectacle. But an alienist tracking a killer? Now I'm afraid you've lost me.

We are rapidly approaching Peak Meme.

We did, but this is the gritty reboot.

It's not about the date, it's about ethics in movie theaters!

The worst part about game show reboots is that they don't call it "making whoopee" anymore.

Probably the starvation took care of most of them. In that kind of scenario the only people that would survive would be the ones with previous knowledge of stuff like water filtration and gardening and skinning animals, where people like me would die off as soon as the last 7-11 was looted clean.

AD quotes are something whores do for money.

Oh thank god.

Thanks for tuning in, I'm your host GEHOYVEN SHLAYVEN.