Gerald McBoingboing

Why are Republican men so quick to decry things being shoved down their throats.

Hilarious? Does it amuse you?

The next dudebro fashion fad will be paint splattered thermal underwear with ass flaps.


Is this one of those shows where the exorcist is a maladjusted supergenius with some kind of endearing quirk that Gets Results while making life miserable for his costars.

OK, first of all how dare you.

Not sure I'm ready for Mr. Rogers to be repurposed by the 4Chan generation.

Which itself was a shortening from the original Celtic Gwyyndffwyyyndlyyyyynnnff.


I haven't seen that show, is it about handsome retail clerks with totally normal desires.

Let's all have a refreshing ice cold Dr. Pepper from the school vending machine while we mull it over.

The one with the chocolate covered potato chips? That was unexpected, but not bad.

I may or may not have put my dick in one (while naked Barbie watched) after a boring night closing up the toy store.

Did I misspell panis again?

She has the power to gross people out with her red rocket penis.

I can't wait for the guest spot with Gargamilf.

Say hi to ya smilf for me.

♫ Oh I'm just a serf
I'm just a pox ridden serf
And my wife will surely die in childbirth ♪

I can do a Simpsons reference for 5 bucks but that's my final offer.

Cake: $17.95
Postage: $8.29
Smug superiority from an internet power play that basically amounts to "I know where you live :D XD ;)": Priceless