Gerald McBoingboing

So they can realize halfway through a slice that they are Eating Their Words and that you have now won the argument in absentia.

No amount of dead pedestrians could quell the rage from that mission.

"Mmm, that story makes me hungry."

Such a nasty book. Words coming out of its… wherever.

It's true sir. This woman has no dick.

"Oh god are we Mexican?!"

I'm 1/64 Cherokee and I'm OK with this.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Surprise upset in the 3rd debate when Vice Presidential candidate Chris Evans hits Trump with a metal chair and The Rock finishes him off with a flying leap off the turnbuckle.

And they all wait to shit on the beach until you're done scooping it clean!

Cautiously antagonistic.


Um, that's wack?

She seems very, uh… mature for her age.

Fleek, definitely fleek.

They just need to have a guy in a green suit pulling the skin back on his face at all times.

If they get to pick the channels, there's nothing you can do, folks.

I hope he pays the fine with a dump truck full of pennies.

Recently? It's kind of like Blair Witch in that it rode the strength of a strong marketing campaign (cryptic commercials that ended with Laurence Fishburne's "No one can be… TOLD… what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.") to huge success and yeah, I saw it in the theater back in 1999 at the perfect age

I miss the luxury of cubicle walls. Working in an "open office" means I have to be a lot more surreptitious about screwing around on the internet, or napping.

It was really amazing how all the Earth's last remaining survivors that had been forced underground to live in the dark like animals were all so ridiculuously tanned and muscular and oily.